What I am reading in September
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“There is no better way to unwind than reading a good book before bed!”
If you knew me a few years ago years ago, I can promise, you would’ve never heard me say that. EVER! Reading was a chore. It was something you did, because you had to get that mandatory book report done for school. It was not enjoyable! I was a late reader in elementary school. I was the kid who needed special helpers, and was always in “Group C” for reading. I did eventually become a fluent reader, but I always knew in the back of my mind, that it was not my strong suit. I was stereotyped a bad reader in 3rd grade. And it stuck with me… for years.
Fast forward to my first year of marriage. My kind husband, who always had a love of reading, would suggest books to me. I read some of his suggestions, and some I still have to finish (Moby Dick!). I still did not LOVE it.
The busier life got, the more my mind would wander at night. I would lay there thinking of my crazy to do list, and wish myself to sleep. Wishing didn’t work. That was when I did it. I picked up that book and started to read. All the “To do list’s” turned off and I was transformed into a new life. Ok, Ok, it didn’t happen right away. I typically read a page or two and then felt right to sleep. I learned that this was my way to turn off my mind. I learned to love reading… even need it. It doesn’t matter how late it is, I still need to go to bed reading.
My reading at bedtime, has transformed into reading a devotional or something educational in the morning as well. Then I read to the kids during our morning time, lunch hour and bedtime. I am now making up for lost reading time. I am challenging myself to read those classic books, but I also need a great fiction book to wind down with at night. My reading life is expanding. One fun thing I did this year was sign up for the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge (link below). This has been challenging me to read books I would not choose for myself, such as a book in translation or Non-Fiction, which I typically dread. I have really enjoyed all the books I have read so far (included the Non-Fiction book, When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi).
Enough of me blabbering on. Let’s get on with it. This is what I am reading in September.
Only Love Today by Rachel Macy Stafford: I have really been enjoying this book during my morning coffee. I am taking this book slow and really cherishing the words. It’s all about choosing love over your priority list. It’s about stepping away from the distractions of life, and paying attention to those around you. To pay attention to the little things in life, because those are the things we will miss. In this digital age, don’t we all need the reminder to turn off our phones and look into our children’s eyes, or genuinely smile (or wink) at your spouse for fun. The book is set up as a daily readings, but the author suggests for you to go at the speed you would like. Read one part, or ten. It’s up to you.
The Lake House by Kate Morton: In the spring, I read another Kate Morton book called The Secret Keeper. I loved it! Well I actually liked it, then I hated it, and then I wanted to go back and read the entire book again because I didn’t see the ending coming. What fun it is when a book can surprise you like that. So, of course I had to try out another book of hers. I am not too far into this one but am enjoying the characters. The book follows a family, in 1933, whose son mysteriously vanished from his crib one evening; and was never found. And then it jumps to seventy years later, when a detective stumbles upon the ruins of the old mansion where the family used to live in 1933. The detective learns of the cold case and starts to investigate. I feel that Morton does a good job of bringing both stories to light. Once you get to know the characters and time periods, it is easy to follow along.
The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery: This is one of the books I am reading to fill in my Modern Day Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge. It is a book in translation about a pilot who’s stranded in the desert and awakes to see a extraordinary little fellow from a different planet. They become friends, and the pilot learns what is really important in life. I didn’t know what to expect from this book (and I have not yet finished it) but I enjoy this type of story. It starts out with the pilot as a child, and he draws a picture of a snake eating an elephant. He shows the grown-ups his drawing, and they all say that it is a nice hat. He then explains to them what it is, and they tell him to put it away, and go do something more studious. This type of story resonates with me. Why as adults, do we forget the excitement of having a child’s mind, that can imagine the unimaginable. Nothing is impossible to a child. I love that, and really look forward to finishing this book.
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sister, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall: This is one of our summer read-alouds. My son put it on our ‘Summer Fun List’ after hearing about the book over and over again. Everyone recommends this book, and the last book of the series was just recently was published. I guess we have to catch up! The Penderwick sisters go on summer holiday to a brand new place, a beautiful estate called Arundel. They can’t wait to explore the beautiful gardens and treasure-filled attic, but the icy Mrs. Tifton is lurking about, and warns them to stay out of trouble. Then they discover Jeffrey Tifton, Mrs. Tifton’s son; who proves to be the best companion for their adventures. My kids ask me to read this to them whenever possible. We should be finishing this one soon, and I think they will want to read the next one.
Lindsay from Life on Misty Acres
(Note: This post contains affiliate links, and we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through our links. The opinions and summaries of the books are my own. )
Now it is your turn. What are you reading?