Free Printable Spring Break Bucket List
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With the Coronavirus turning MANY people unexpected Homeschoolers, I wanted to share this FREE Downloadable “Extended” Spring Break Bucket List with you. Our family loves to create bucket-lists for different seasons. We also have no problem coming up with ideas to keep us busy! Below, I go into more detail on some of the topics in the bucket list and add tips, activities we have enjoyed, and some of our favorite things to it.
If you or your family are not sure how to stay busy during the quarantine, here are a few ways to keep you going. Please share this with your friends! And tag me @lifeonmistyacres in any pictures that you post.
Have you found any free educational resources that you love? Add a comment below with your findings. I would love to create a BIG List of Free Resources!
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Spring Break Bucket List Free Printable
Spring Break Bucket List Ideas
I am not going to give specific examples of all of the items on the bucket list, but I do have a few favorite things that I would like to share with you. Continue to read below for links to some of our favorite activities and descriptions of them.
Grow Something
Start some seeds at home! Spring is a great time to start some seeds, plan out your garden, and just enjoy watching something grow! I do not think you need any special equipment or grow lights. Put some seeds in dirt and let them grow. If your seedlings get leggy, pinch off the top to increase root growth.
If you do not want to plant a garden, you can just grow flowers or bulb flowers.
Start a Nature Journal
Natural Journaling has become one of my family’s favorite things to do! When my kids were younger, I would staple a few sheets of paper together to make a simple journal for the kids. Put a colored sheet of paper on the outside to make it extra special. They loved it! And I wasn’t upset when it got left in the mud.
Take the kids outside and observe the many signs of Spring. Have them draw a picture, write their findings or just doodle. Do not stress about it. Just get outside.
I shared a bunch of my best nature study tips in 12 Tips for Nature Study Success.
Play a Board Game
We are a board game-loving family! In the last two years, we have also stepped up our gaming experience and learned some cool ones! Not only are they fun, but they are also a great way to learn. Playing games teaches so many lessons: counting and adding skills, communication skills, strategy building, cooperation, and how to be a good loser.
Many libraries have games that you can rent out. Contact them to try out the game before you buy it.
Some of Our Favorite Games:
Take a Virtual Field Trip
In this digital world, it is easy to see a place that you would have only dreamed about going to in the past. Many locations offer virtual tours or a free walkthrough experience. Last year, the kids and I learned about World Geography. I was amazed at how much we could learn right from our living room. I would use our Chromecast or connect our laptop to the TV. One of the “trips” that stuck out to me was the Eiffel Tower. Here is a link to an Interactive Map of France that allows you to move through the streets and see the buildings. It is all through google maps. Each child spent time walking the streets of France trying to find something interesting. You can also view the Eiffel Tower Live here.
I know that many other locations and places offer this too. You just have to look for them. Below are links to the Interactive Map of France and some free virtual museum tours. Where have you ALWAYS wanted to go? Look it up and see what is available. When in doubt, search youtube.
12 Famous Museums Offering Virtual Tours
Virtual Tours for Your Family– US sites and zoos.
50+ Virtual Field Trips to Take When You’re Stuck at Home
Big List of Free Virtual Field Trips
Read a Book Together
There is just something special about reading a book together! It doesn’t matter if it is a good picture book or a chapter book. If you are going to read a chapter book together as a family during your break, I would suggest one that already has a movie. I find that my kids love to compare how they imagined the book in their heads vs. the movie. It really brings it home. Not into reading aloud? Get the audiobook!
Some of our favorite Chapter Books:
Wonder– this movie just came out when we listened to this on audiobook. My kids were very opinionated on how the book was better than the movie.
The Chronicles of Narnia– This audio production of the Chronicles of Narnia series by Radio Theatre is amazing. We listened to this on our across country road trip a few years ago.
Need More Book Ideas
Read Aloud Revival– this is a great place to visit to come up with book suggestions for your kids! You can download the free booklist. She also has a podcast that goes over so many wonderful topics.
Create a Tinker Station
A tinker station sounds complicated, but it really isn’t. Thow what you have on hand in a container or small tote and let your kids create things. Tape, glue, stickers, paper, cardboard, garbage, sting, wire, old disks, etc. Let them make their own creations and figure things out.
Another idea is to bring out an old broken radio or DVD player and let your kids open it up and explore. Chances are that you won’t actually get that radio fixed.
We also are BIG fans of KiwiCo Subscription Boxes! These have been such a fun addition to our homeschool. My 11-year-old son gets the Tinker Crate, my 10-year-old daughter the Doodle Crate, my 6-year-old daughter gets the Kiwi Crate, and my 4-year-old son gets the Koala Crate. Box day is always exciting at our house and I am amazed at the advanced STEM topics they are learning about. These are educational and fun! I will list some of our past favorites below.
Each box runs about $20-$25 but you can usually get them on sale by using a coupon code. Right now you can save 15% – 35% by using the Coupon Code: SPRING2020 at checkout. Check out KiwiCo today!
Some of My Kids Favorite Crates
Tinker Crate: Camera Obscura, Alarm System, Hydralic Claw, Automation, and the Bubble Lamp
Doodle Crate: Succulent Garden and Handmade Soap
Kiwi Crate: Marble Timer and Rainbow Optics
Koala Crate: Camping, Glowing Nature, Dinosaurs, Farm, and Music & Rhythm
Make a Photo Journal
We have done this as a Brave Writer writing project and it is so much fun! Do you have pictures hanging around from your child’s birthday party or special event? Let them make a journal of the event or scrapbook it. One suggestion, don’t correct their spelling. Let them create this without worrying.
Brave Writer is another favorite resource of ours! Looking for inspiration on how to make life long writers? Check out Brave Writers YouTube Channel for tons of inspirational videos and try out the Free 7-Day Writing Blitz. Day one of the 7-Day Writing Blitz is graffiti. How fun is that? You seriously have to check it out!
Go to a Beach & Find Shells
In Wisconsin, our lakes are typically frozen this time of year. But this year, everything is mostly thawed and that means that you can get outside and enjoy the beach. Maybe not like you would in the summer, but there are still things to explore. Search for shells, tadpoles, or pretty rocks. Do you see any fish? Any plants starting to grow? The beach this time of year might bring on a whole new experience.
This nature outing might even make you want to learn about the Ocean. The Good & The Beautiful has a FREE 13 lesson Marine Biology Unit Study Available to really dig into Ocean Life.
Make Bread
Hear me out on this one (and please don’t judge me on my slightly burnt loaves above). Making bread is very rewarding! Bread is not something that you can easily throw together. Bread making takes patience, the right temperatures, time, and again I am going to say patience. It is a great skill to know!
Amish White Bread– this makes 2 loaves
Clone of a Cinnabon– The recipe gives instructions for using a bread machine dough cycle. In the comments, a reader shares how to do it without a bread machine too.
Plan & Throw a Party For Yourselves
My son did not think that this was a good one to put on the bucket list, but I insisted. For one, I believe that most kids LOVE planning parties. And second of all, most families throw big stressful birthday parties and family get-togethers. But, when was the last time you threw a party just for your family? This could be a special meal with a beautifully set table. Use the fine dining wear that usually is hidden until Christmas. Make a menu, light candles, and use fancy cups.
Do Yoga
Cosmic Kids Yoga is a favorite of ours! The videos tell a story while the kids do yoga moves that correspond with the actions. They have several popular videos such as Frozen, Moana, Star Wars, and Harry Potter.
If this too childish for your children you can find several other Yoga YouTube Videos. I also like to do Yoga with Adriene.
Interested in Homeschooling?
Would you like to try out some a really good Homeschool Curriculum right from your home? Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool is a great one! This is a Charlotte Mason Inspired Free Online Curriculum. Everything they offer can be found on the computer and has free printable activities.
I truely love home educating my children. It’s not always easy and there are times I have wanted to quit, but I cherish the time we do get to spend together, the flexibility it gives our family, and the time for each child to explore their interest. If you have any questions about homeschooling, I would love to answer them for you if I can. Send me an e-mail, comment below, or message me on social media. It is one of my favorite things to talk about! You may also like to read about Why We Homeschool.
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Download Your Free Bucket List by clincking below:
Spring Break Bucket List Free Printable
Being at home with your kids will offer you some great experiences. Remember to HAVE FUN! Do not try to make it exactly like school. Use the comforts that you have at home and make learning fun.
If you enjoyed this Spring Break Bucket List, please share it! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Also, don’t forget to tag me @lifeonmistyacres in your posts.
Have you found any wonderful free homeschool resources? I would love to get more ideas! Add a comment below with your findings.
-Lindsay from Life on Misty Acres
10 thoughts on “Free Printable Spring Break Bucket List”
We’ll be making bread and playing games! Great list of ideas!
Carri, that sounds like an amazing idea! Have fun!
I’m so excited that we can still do many of these even if we are home!
Thank you, Sarah! I hope you enjoy it.
Excellent ideas! I especially like the idea of “growing something.” When I packed up my office to begin indefinite work from home, I packed up my boss’ desk plant. It’s so green and vibrant and has inspired me to plant a few things of my own!
Plants are a great way to brighten up the house and uplift your mood! I love that it has inspired you to plant more things. Happy Spring!
Virtual tours are such a beast idea I’m so glad you included these
Virtual tours are amazing! You can do almost anywhere right from the comfort of your own home. Thanks Jasmine!
Great tips! We’ve been reading, playing board games, and I hope to get outside in the garden if the weather cooperates this week.
Those are some great plans Emily! Have fun!