23 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
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23 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
Yesterday we got more snow! That is on top of the 20+ inches already on the ground. It was fun… at first. Snow is always wished for at Christmas. It is fun to get a nice snowfall to do some outdoor recreation and make a snowman. But we have done all that. Now, I am ready for spring. The winter blues are starting to set in. Here are 23 ways to beat the winter blues and help you reset your mood. A few of these may surprise you.
1. Get Outside
I know. I am sick of the snow too! But once I am outside, it does reset my mood. I can see the beauty in it again.
Things to do outside:
- Go for a walk
- Snowshoe (These are the ones I have)
- Ski (downhill or cross-country)
- Icefish
- Build a snow fort
- Make a snow angel
- Go sledding
- Spray food coloring in snow. My kids love this one and it is so easy. Fill up a spray bottle with water and add some food coloring. And then let them go wild.
- Build a teepee/fort (kids can still do this in the winter to change the experience entirely)
- Make ice lanterns (One Little Project at a Time has a fun one or if you are feeling more crafty try Practically Functional’s)
- Do an outdoor nature study. Pay attention to the buds! (Not sure where to start on Nature Study. Here are 9 Fun Nature Study Ideas. Or get this amazing year-round nature study e-book. We are using it this year and I am learning right beside my kids.)
- Take a moonlight walk. The snow makes it easier to see and it looks so enchanting on the right night.
- Stargaze. The stars are so beautiful in the winter if you force yourself to get out there in the cold.
- Have a fire. Or a bonfire to burn up all that old brush.
2. Plan for Spring and Summer
Let’s be honest. If you homestead, you know how busy Spring, Summer, and Fall are. Winter is your downtime. Take this time to plan out your garden and flowerbeds. Plan out your animals and housing. Plan for your future ideas and projects. Research them. Which brings me to the next topic.

3. Read lots of good books
Whether you are learning about upcoming projects or just want to escape into a whole new land, reading can take you there. If you do not like to read for pleasure, you may be encouraged by my story. I was not a reader but learned to love it. Now I can’t go to bed without reading a few sentences each night. Check out What I am Reading in September for my backstory. I choose a lot of my books from the Good Read’s Best Book Award List.
4. Work on a Project
Oh, there are so many fun things you could do! Whatever you have thought about doing, take the time this winter to do it! No more excuses! Here are a few of our favorites:
- Knit
- Crochet
- Quilt
- Make candles ( I was gifted this kit for Christmas and really enjoyed it)
- Woodwork
- Paint (Sea Lemon has a bunch of fun crafting videos including this one on Rosemaling which we enjoyed)
- Scrapbook
- Sew
- Cross stitch
- Canning (You can freeze a lot of the fresh produce from the summer, and come back to it in the winter when you have more time).
5. Organize that Room you are always neglecting
This is a hard one for me. I tell the kids to clean their rooms, yet mine is a disaster because I am working elsewhere. However, I do know that there are specific messes that bother me, and if I work on cleaning one of them up it will help my stress level. What is that room or place for you? Many people have been inspired by Marie Kondo’s book and show on Netflix. Have you checked that one out yet?
6. Get out of the house
I am not saying that you should get out of the house in the middle of a snowstorm or anything. Please be safe. But, staying cooped up in your house for days isn’t always good for your spirit. You can visit one of your favorite stores or a place you do not get to often. Go to the library, stop at a diner for a warm bowl of soup, or visit the hardware store to get some project inspiration.
7. Play a game
We love to play games here at Misty Acres! It is one of our favorite things to do as a family. Winter allows us to dive in and try new games.
Here is a list of some of our favorites:
- Ticket to Ride (Can you tell this is one of our favorites? We only have 5 different versions of it. If you are new to this game you will want to purchase this one first. A few of the other boards use the pieces from the original board.)
- Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails
- Ticket to Ride- Europe
- Ticket to Ride- France & Old West
- Catan
- Game of Thrones Catan
- Code Names
- Code Names Disney
- Carcassonne
- Trekking
- Small World
- Dutch Blitz
- Trouble
- Sequence
- Sequence for Kids
- Hedbanz
- Clue
- Guess Who
- Mille Borne
- Battleship
- Bananagrams
8. Listen to an Audiobook
These are surprisingly relaxing. You just listen! This is a great way to “read” some of the old classic books you have always wanted to get to. We request the audiobooks from the library. My entire family has enjoyed listening to these:
- The Trumpet of the Swan read by E.B. White
- Wonder
- The Penderwicks
9. Experiment in the kitchen
Have you been wanting to make something in the kitchen? I have been wanting to start my own sourdough starter and learn how to cook different foods on cast iron. Winter is a great time to take the time and learn this. Some ideas could be:
- Make bread
- Make your own chicken/beef stock
- Kombucha
- Sourdough starter
- Fermented Foods (Cole Slaw, etc.)
- Beer Making
- Wine Making
10. Light Candles or Diffuse Oils
Isn’t it funny how some scents can just relax you and take you somewhere else?
11. Go on a “Field Trip”
It doesn’t have to be far away. It can be a local museum or a pool. There are a lot of local places I pass by, but never take the time to go to them. Many times they are free! Below is a museum we stopped at on a whim, when I had to travel to exchange some Christmas presents. We made it an impromptu field trip day, and the kids loved it. Or it can be a big whopper of a field trip and you can surprise your family.
12. Air Things Out
In our culture, we lock ourselves in our houses and shut everything up as tight as we can, to keep the heat in. That’s a good thing. But fresh air can do wonders. It is not good to have a stuffy house. Miss Charlotte Mason taught me this one. In earlier days, people had no choice but to hand wash and line dry their clothes outside even in the winter. This took time. So, instead of washing their clothes as often, they would put clothes and bedding out to air. And it was good! Put your rugs or bedding outside on a nice sunny day to air it out. Open up a window for a few minutes to freshen up your room. If it is cold, I do not think you will forget to close it.
13. Stay Healthy
Don’t forget to give your body some extra attention this time of year. It needs it!
- Drink lots of water
- Take your vitamins (especially Vitamin D with Calcium)
- Eat extra veggies
- Get some exercise! (These are the snowshoes I have)
- Nourish your dry skin with lotion.
- Rest your feet
- Paint your toenails
- Do yoga (I enjoy these free videos from Yoga with Adriene)
14. Listen to Music and Dance
Impromptu dance parties can lift the spirits and get your heart moving. My kids have been learning all about 90’s pop culture as I bring out some of my old Jock Jam disc’s I don’t have the heart to get rid of.
15. Go to the movies or a play
Several of the schools will have plays during the winter. Check around to see if there are any in your area.
16. Make a Goal List
My husband is a big advocate in making lists. He does this every season, but it is especially helpful in the winter. It motivates him to keep working on projects, even when it is dark at 4:00 PM.
17. Hang out with Friends
Find the people who make you laugh, who let you share your troubles, who understand you, and who make you happy. Hang out with them! Go out to eat or take a class with them. It is a sure way to kick the winter blues.
18. Decorate for Spring Early
Why not? Who says you can’t?
19. Start to Grow Something
Nothing says Spring like new growth. It may be too early for some of you to start to grow seeds, but you can start something else. Many herbs can be kept inside or you can grow a small pot of lettuce. How about those beautiful little bulbed flowers that you can grow and then replant outside later? I found this fun video How to Force Spring Bulbs to Grow indoors in the Winter. I can’t wait to try this! Or you can get this pretty Bulb Garden (pictured below). If it is not too early to start your seeds, go ahead and do it. All you need is a seed starting tray, some soil, and seeds.
20. Learn Something New
Last year, I decided to finally learn how to REALLY use my DSLR camera. I had purchased the Dummies Book to go with my camera a few years earlier, but it wasn’t enough for me. I needed more hand-holding. So, I splurged on an online course. I signed up for Click it up a Notch’s Beginner’s Guide to Manual Mode Course. The course taught me how to use my camera, what to look for with lighting, and how to take good pictures. I spent last winter experimenting with my camera and learning a few new things. It was really fun and I am happy I dove in and did it. Using my camera helped me get my mind off of winter and focus on something else.
Great news! I reached out to Courtney and she is generously offering my readers a discount on the Beginner’s Guide to Manual Mode course. It normally sells for $197, but you can get lifetime access to it for just $97! Use the link here.

Maybe Photography is not your thing. There are plenty of other things to learn. In this digital world, there is a course or a help group for EVERYTHING. Don’t be ashamed to get some help and support to learn a new skill.
21. Laugh
They say “Laughter is the best medicine.” You could go to a comedy club or just watch some comedians at home. Watch a funny movie. Make a point to laugh. Even if it is just laughing at yourself.
22. Get Chicks (or Ducklings)
If you are reading this at the time it was published then it is late winter (February, March). This is the time to pick up some chicks to have summer eggs. I know that not everyone wants to raise chickens, but I can’t help it. I love them! How can these cute fluff balls not make you happy? We raise ours in the largest tote we can find with a heat lamp raised above it.
23. Relax
Put on some comfy clothes, start a fire, and relax. Do something that makes you happy. Spring will be here soon.
I hope you enjoyed my 23 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues ideas. What is your favorite way to beat the winter blues in the wintertime? I would love to hear about it below. You may also like our favorite things check out Our Favorite Homesteading Items- Kitchen Edition and Our Favorite Items- Her Stuff.
Don’t forget to pin this post for later on Pinterest. And don’t forget to follow us on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook.
Happy Winter!
-Lindsay from Life on Misty Acres
(This post contains affiliate links which means that we receive a small percentage of the purchase. All opinions are our own and we do not promote anything we do not feel is a quality product. Photo credit to www.davegranlund.com. No copyright infringement is intended with any of the comics).
10 thoughts on “23 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues”
I love winter time! I live in the south, so my winter looks a lot more milder than yours. We don’t have much snow. My wood burning heater looks like your heater. There is nothing like burning wood to heat your home.
You are so right, there is nothing like burning wood in your home! It makes the house so warm and cozy! I hope you have a happy winter, Gina!
Thank you for the list! Winter blues has been a real thing for me so I will deffo try this tips!
You are very welcome Linu! Winter can get so long. It’s good to have some ideas to keep you busy.
Every year I get a basket of spring bulbs, right after Christmas!!! It makes my heart sing! But holy cow, that is a lot of snow!!!!! Good luck with it all!!
That is so wonderful to hear that you get Spring Bulbs every year after Christmas. I feel like that is when things really start to drag out. Thank you for the luck. I am sure we will need it this winter.
Love these ideas! I especially want to start growing something early this year! I’m hoping to get indoor grow lights 🙂
Thank you, Nicole! Growing seedlings indoors is a great way to see a little spring. I hope you get some grow lights to start early!
That is a lot of snow! Good thing you have some good ideas and plans in place to enjoy it! 🙂
That’s right, Karen. We have a lot of activities to do to keep us busy.